Thursday, October 23, 2008

The book, Kianna and the Stubborn Cow, by Otis Greene, takes place on a ranch in Texas. It is about a girl who learns not to be stubborn. In the beginning of the story, Kianna, the main character, is stubborn and her friends don't like it. In the middle, she visits a ranch and meets a cow that is stubborn like her. I can't tell you how the story ends, though, or else it might ruin the story for you!
I believe there are several reasons why readers will enjoy this book. First of all, it takes place on a ranch in Texas. I think most people would enjoy reading a story that takes place on a ranch because maybe they like wildlife and animals. In addition, readers will like this book because the author did a good job organizing the book. Good organization makes it easy to understand. Finally, I think most people can relate to the conflict in this book. Many people have either been stubborn or had someone be stubborn towards them. All in all, I would definitely recommend that you read this book.
By Elijah, Jessica, Andrea, Alyssa, and Cherish

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